Monday, April 22, 2013

Tantur Newsletter

Here is a link to a recent article that sums up much of my experience in Israel. It is titled Abu Gosh. The second article is from Sr Joseph who was a part of the same Easter Encounter experience. Enjoy!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Headed Home (sort of)

I left Tel Aviv without a hitch, but as happens occasionally, intended plans got modified. My connecting flight from Newark to Des Moines was cancelled because of the weather in Iowa. So I stayed at the airport overnight (or day-my body is still on Israeli time, which is eight hours ahead of Iowa) "resting" on a chair. I hung out in the international welcome center which had a little coffee shop. About 2:30 in the morning I was able to pass through security to get to my gate. The plane does't leave until 9:00am, so I still have a little wait here. So it goes.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Ein Karem

Our last full day was spent around Jerusalem. We stopped at the large hospital which felt like it was embedded in a shopping mall. There we also discovered a synagogue which has 12 stained glass windows made by the artist Chagall. Then to a section of town known as an artist village. There we visited two churches. One was called Church of Visitation. It's focus was on the women of the Bible. It was followed by Church of Nativity of John the Baptist. We ate lunch at The Tent in Beit Sahour before coming back to Tantur.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Today we went hiking in the desert. We started at a place called St. George's Monastery and ended in Jericho. The trail we took was called Wadi Qeit. Along the way we passed a hermit's residence. It was a great walk. We also saw a Romanian Basilica.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


We visited three places today-Masada, the Dead Sea and Qumran.
Masada was an existing fortress that King Herod upgraded to VIP status. Later it would be used by others as a a refuge with a tragic "Last Stand" ending.
The Dead Sea or Salt Sea is about 27% salt compared to the oceans which have 2-4% salt. I did manage to float with no problem.
At Qumran or near it is the area where all sorts of scrolls were found in clay jars in caves in the hills. Many of them were biblical scrolls or scroll fragments.

Monday, April 8, 2013


Today we spent the day in Hebron, which is a Palestinian city. We began at the Tomb of the Patriarchs (and Matriarchs). It is now a Mosque over the caves where Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca, Jacob and Leah, and Joseph are buried. It is divided into two sections, one for Jews and another for Muslims. It is heavily guarded with several checkpoints and soldiers everywhere. We toured the old section of town. Apartheid is a word that comes to mind. Maybe even worse. We ended the day at a Palestinian farm called Tree of Nations, in the family for 3 generations who are Christians committed to nonviolence and love of enemies, even though the Israelis are trying their best to take away the land. We also had lunch in a home in Hebron.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Jordan River

Day 4 of our time in Lower Galilee took us to the height of Mount Tabor, the site of the Transfiguration, Beit She'an, excavated Roman City, the Jordan River, where I got my feet wet again, Jericho and back to Tantur. The pace of the Galilee seemed much more relaxed. The valleys were fertile and though Lake Galilee is not a sea, it is a big lake and its water is a main source of water for Jerusalem.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Around Lake Galilee

Day 3 was another great day. We started at Tabgha where Jesus fed the 5000 on one occasion with 5 loaves and 2 fish and on another grilled some fish for the Eleven after the resurrection. Then on to the Mt of Beatitudes, Bethsaida, Capernaum, Peter's Primacy, a boat trip on the lake and a visit to an ancient boat. I found myself feeling a refreshment similar to the family lake place.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Day 2 in Lower Galilee started in Nazareth where Jesus grew up. We visited the churches and the well that are connected with the Annunciation. Then it was off jo Cana where water was turned to wine, the first of Jesus' signs. From there we visited the town of Sepphoris where Joseph most likely was working as a stone mason. And back to Tiberias and Lake Galilee.

The Galilee

Day 1 of our trip to Lower Galilee brought us first to Caesarea Maritima on the Mediterranean Sea. It was magnificent! The smell of the sea, the sound of the breakers, the sight of blue water and the taste of salt on my lips was heavenly. I waded in the water for as long as time would allow. And the Roman city that Herod built was magnificent.
We contined on to Mt Carmel, Megiddo and Tiberias on Galilee Lake.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Monday at Emmaus

The congregation in which I grew up was named Emmaus. It comes from the story of the two men talking about the recent events in Jerusalem surrounding Jesus death. The story can be found in Luke 24.13-35. They are headed back to their home town of Emmaus when they are joined by someone who sheds light on what has happened. They invite him to stay the night and when they sit to eat, the guest takes the bread and blesses it and they recognize him to be Jesus, the crucified and risen one.
As I viewed the painting above the altar I was reminded that "wherever two or three are gathered in my name, there I will be also."
I also thought about the gift of being illumined by the risen one. It became my prayer.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Sunday

Two of us went to the Church of the Redeemer, a German Lutheran church in the Old City that has ties with the ELCA. Pastor Younan, Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Jordan and the Holy Land was the preacher.
The service was in Arabic, English and a bit of German because of the presence of a choir from Germany. At the end of the service we received colored hard boiled eggs, a symbol of the resurrection

Easter Vigil

Holy Saturday found us again at the Basilica Ecce Homo. It began on the roof in the dark. A roaring fire was lit and from it light for the Pachal candle. We processed into the sanctuary and stool around the altar in candlelight hearing the Easter Proclamation sung. It was beautiful. We sat down during the readings. They were interspersed with Psalms and songs. We regathered around the altar for the affirmation of baptism and then the meal. It was wonderful. Many of the songs were songs we also sing. I wish you all could have been there. We heard the first alleluia a if Easter. Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Good Friday

Today we worshipped again at the Basilica of the Ecce Homo, which means "behold the man." We were in a portion of the church which felt like being in the catacombs.
The sign that directed us to this space referred to it as Lithostrotos, "judgment seat," where Jesus stands before the elevated Pilate and is tried and sentenced.
We heard John's Passion story read by several people. And maybe because Jesus died and was buried, the catacomb had a tomb like feel about it.
Now we wait.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Maundy Thursday

We gathered at Ecce Homo, an English speaking congregation connected with Tantur, for their Holy Thursday service, followed by a simple meal. After the meal, the entire congregation walked to Gethsemane, a part of the Mount of Olives, to pray. The altar of Gethsemane Church is built upon the rock that Jesus leaned against as he prayed. From there we waked the Kidron Valley to St Peter's in Gallicantu where Jesus was taken after his arrest. We then went home to await the events of Good Friday.